Sunday, July 7, 2019

Exploring the EM Spectrum

As part of our study of the Electromagnetic Spectrum and wave behavior, you are required to complete the following assignment. Read through the directions prior to starting the assignment.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum & Wave Behavior

Directions: For each question listed below you will find an associated link. Click on the provided link to answer each question. Write your responses in complete sentences (unless otherwise noted). Be sure answers are written in your own words and not directly copied from the website (unless otherwise noted).


·         Students will identify and compare characteristics of the EM Spectrum. 
·         Students will observe and explain how light can be reflected, refracted and/or absorbed.
·         Students will recognize that light waves, sound waves, and other waves move at different speeds in different materials. 

EM Spectrum
1.      What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum?
2.      Name the seven (7) types of EM radiation that make up the EM Spectrum
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

3.      Electromagnetic waves are what type of waves/what do they transmit?
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Watch the video and answer the question

4.      Which part of the EM spectrum can we see with the human eye?
5.      Why do the colors of visible light separate through a prism?
6.      What are the colors of the visible light spectrum?
NASA Science

Wave Behavior
7.      Describe reflection & draw a picture representation
8.      Describe absorption and how it relates to the colors we see
9.      Describe refraction & draw a picture representation
Scholastic Study Jams
Play the video and answer the questions on wave behavior

Movement of Waves
10.  Draw a picture to represent how particles are arranged in a solid, a liquid, and a gas
Socratic Answers by Himanshu Shekhar

11.  As light travels through solids, liquids, and gases it will speed up. Explain why?
Ask an Astronomer by Sabrina Stierwalt

By Don Koks, Steve Carlip, Philip Gibbs

12.  As sound travels through solids, liquids, and gases it will slow down. Explain why?
SchoolNet South Africa: The Physics of Sound

Bonus: Why do we see lightning before we hear thunder?

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